2012-02-29 @ 12:20:11
I write it, because I don't understand how can to take adventage of mass-media, and to take adventage of tragedy, for yourself target...
That's way I hate people because, somebody who don't deserve to help of country, this help give it. And normal person like me that help deprive. And this is justice, that, after murder you don't sit to the prison, and you can help on your country?

So...whose I should killed, that my country give it to me new life, job, and flat, that I shouldn't pay for it?

Who I should killed, ha?

If you find mistake, you can write in comments.
Our life in photostory :)
2012-02-28 @ 12:19:23
Once upon a time, I hit on an idea, and we put on the photoalbum with our photos, because you know the photos made illegible, and now we have every photos in one place and midly clear. And you know the photos today is not durable.

Source code
2012-02-27 @ 20:41:19
Don't leave your life later...
Because you can't be on time, say something important...

Novels by Stephen King (portions)
2012-02-23 @ 10:14:27
Last time I try to translate novel by Stephen King and you know that, I can one small part to translate, so I post this part:

The town knew darkness...but no one dared talk about the high, sweet, evil laughter of a child...and the sucking sounds...

Co w moim rozumieniu brzmi mniej więcej tak:
"Miastu ciemność nie była obca, ale nikt nie śmiał mówić o wysokim, słodkim złowieszczym śmiechu dziecka i odgłosach cmokania"

Part 2:

Rose Daniels saw the single drop of blood on the bed sheet-and knew she must escape from her macabre marriage before it was too late.

Moje tłumaczenie:

Rose Daniels widziała kroplę krwi na prześcieradle i wiedziała, że musi uciekać od swojego makabrycznego małżeństwa zanim będzie za późno.

Part 3:

But escape was not as easy as fleeing to a new city, picking a new name, finding a new job, lucking out with a new man. Her husband Norman was a cop, with a cop's training, a cop's technology, a cop's bloodhound instincts. And even worse, Norman was-well, Norman. Rose knew she had been married to a savage brute. Now she realized she was being tracked down by a terrifying monster-but the only place she found to hide could be the most dangerous of all...

Moje tłumaczenie (do pewnego momentu):

Ale ucieczka nie była tak prosta jak ucieczka do nowego miasta(nie wiem co znaczy fleeing), zmiana nazwiska, znalezienie nowej pracy z nowo poznanym mężczyzną. (lucking out też nie znam słówka). Jej mąż Norman był gliną z policyjnym przeszkoleniem, technologią i psim instynktem. I jeszcze gorsze Norman był Normanem (nie wiem czy dobrze), Rose wiedziała że wyszła za mąż za brutalnego dzikusa, teraz ona realizowała swoją ucieczkę od podwodnego potwora(?), ale jedyna kryjówka jaką znalazła, mogła być niebezpieczna dla wszystkich...

Piszcie w komentarzach poprawne wersje przetłumaczonych przeze mnie fragmentów, dzięki.
You know what I think...
2012-02-22 @ 13:33:25
I think,that the Internet, doesn't safety, and you shouldn't promote to the Internet, because It will be finished bad, you know as in my favourite film "Suicide room" :)

So don't promote to the Internet, because you don't know who wrote it, and who watched, and who want to exploint the information.

Or if you want to promote your person you should remember about protect.

See you.
Who would like to try their forces in a simple test?
2012-02-21 @ 18:58:13
What's your name?
What's your nationality?
What time do you have lunch?
How often do you go to to the cinema?
What's the weather like today?
What are you doing now?
How far is it from the city centre to your home?
Do you know where I live?
Were you at your office yesterday?
What did you do last weekend?
What time will you be at work tommorow?
Is a CD cheaper than a cassette?
What language is the most dificult to learn?
Can you speak Japanese?
What do you like doing at home?
What country would you like to visit?
What are kids not allowed to do?
What will you do before you go home tonight?
What are you going to do at the weekend?
Have you ever been to England?
What have you already eaten today?
Would you rather watch a film or read a book?
Where were you born?
How long have you been learning English?
Do you have as much money as Julia Roberts?
Will you be working late tonight?
What languages are spoken in Canada?
What were you given for your last birthday?

Please enter the correct answer
My curiosity...
2012-02-21 @ 15:05:18
I want to know how horrible is my please write here, in assessing my blogs, thanks for your constructive opinions.
Night of Museum :)
2012-02-21 @ 08:31:17
Some 2 years ago we chose on the night of the Museum, you can then was to visit all the museums until midnight.
This was a fascinating adventure, when you go out at night after the city and explore its hitherto undiscovered beauty.
We then many unique pictures.
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