All Saints' Day
2009-11-01 @ 17:11:46
Today is first day of november. All Saints' Day.
I was on cemetery with my family. We said a prayer and we put yhe light on the grave.
I don't like this day becouse is very sad.
2009-11-01 @ 17:02:42
On tentyfive october was very bad day. My computer was broken. Now my computer don't want to read any Cd's. I must give it back to shop. I hope that it will help.
Hi again
2009-11-01 @ 16:57:30
On seventeen october my mother had a birthday.
My sister and my father went with me to shop to buy some gift. We didn't find anything. As we wanted came back to home we got for great idea. We bought for my mother necklace. My mothe was very happy and we too.
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