2007-02-09 @ 19:04:11
Hello!!!!! I have returned!!!! I am HAPPY :):)
In the my gramdma's house was COOL!!!!! I played witch the boys and girls.. we were playing on the snow... :):):)

Nigga: I know that finish this game is difficult but you must think and think and think ONLY!!!! :):):)

I am tired now so I am going to write new note tomorrow ;)

Bye, Bye :*:*:*
SUPER!!!!! :):):):)
2007-02-07 @ 16:12:00
Hello guys!!!!! I am s happy because I have finish the "strange" game!!!!!!!!!!!! :):):)
This game wasn't awful...
I think that you like this game too :) And thanks for comments :*

I was in the Cinema Park. There was COOL!!! The subject of films was : "Space journeys" :) (I am interesting in space) And I was third in the competition :):):) my friend-Ania-was second :):):) We have got a diplomas and Ania has got a special plaquette :)

I am going to my grandmother today!!! :):):) I am so happy because my cousins arrived yesterday :):):)
So I haven't write notes... because mygrandpa hasn't got a computer ;P

Greetings for :
-Ania :*
-Anitka :*
-Monisia :*
-Martusia :*
-Daniel... ( Ania and Anita know why... )
-Mateusz and Rafał :P:P:P

Well.... Bye, Bye for two days... :( I will miss you ... :(

:*:*:* GOODBYE :*:*:*

2007-02-06 @ 11:39:23
Hi. This is adress the strange game... :
But beware!!!!!! Scared become dangerous!!!!
2007-02-05 @ 15:33:45
HI!! Thanks Goodies for comment and propositions :):):) I also think Adam Małysz is THE BEST :)!

I played a game with Marta :* and Moniika ;*. The game was awful... as like as horror ;)
Me and girls was scared... If anybody wants this adress? ;> If yes please write in comments ;)
2007-02-04 @ 14:38:06
Hello everyone ;) ! I am going to do to my grandmother... Yes... Isaid this yesterday... one week ago... but my cousins aren't arrive! So I think I don't go because I will boring...

Now some happy facts:
-Adam Małysz was first!!!!!
-Polish football players won with Estonia 4:0 !
-Today polish hand ball players are going to play final mach!!

Cool!!!!! We are THE BEST country in the world!!!!!!! Isn't it? ;);)

Greetings for:
-Ania :*
-Bartek :*
-Monika :*
-Marta and Marta :*
-Marcos (don't be angry)
-Paweł, Krzyś and Marta
-Seba... (Ania know why ;] ):*
:*:*:* And for you :*:*:*

Bye, Bye.... :)
2007-02-01 @ 09:56:54
Hello! My friends are swimming now but I can't go with them to the pool!!!!! ;(;( I am boring.....
I salute :
-Ania my best friend (KISSES 4you :*)
-Marta my friend who counsels me in diffrent situations
-Monika my sister

Finally I would like to say : Write your's blog adresses in comments :) because I would like to comment your blogs =)

Bye Bye:*:*:*Kisses 4 you:*:*:*
Games =)
2007-01-30 @ 10:56:33
HELLO!!!!! I have remarked that you don't play games!!!!! So I will help you choose the game:

SATEBOARDING- It's a game in which you used only space. It's very easy but great!

JUMPING- It's a game in which you used only mouse. You must click on the figure that boy has not fell from trampoline.

BASKETBALL-In this game you must use mouse too. You should throw a ball to the basket.

BALL- It's a game in which you use muose. You must click on a ball and don't allow to ball touch basis :)

SLEIGH- You must choose speed so that fly by by ring.

BOSS- You must click on a lamp when your staff sleep. :)

COOL GAME =)- You must sell medicines. You use darts in this game ;)

My favourite game is BALL, skateboard, COOL game and boss.

Is it possible?!
2007-01-29 @ 11:13:56
HELLO guys!!!!! I have informed, that probably, Bartek has fallen in love with me!!!!!!!!!! :):):):) But there is not certain.I am So happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe after holidays I will be with him..... :)
My friend - Marta (she is cool girl) she tell me that sometime he humiliated me. Sometime there was my boy.
BYE BYE!!!!!

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