Today is the day to be fed up
2011-02-15 @ 11:16:57
Do you also have one of these days when you feel completely fed up with everything every time and again? Today is the day for me. When I woke up I felt more tired than the previous evening. My eyebrows are heavy as hell, and I don't care for anything right now. The best solution would be probably to go home and fall asleep, but unfortunately it is not possible, because I still have 8 hours of work ahead.

As you can see it can be a problem, so I would like to know what do you like doing when you have a fed up day like mine. Leave your comments. Peace.
Go Robert!!!
2011-02-11 @ 07:56:10
Yes, I know that teh last few days Robert Kubica was on everyone's mouth because of his tragic accident during last Sundays rally in Italy. Some people may be bored with it, but as a big fan of F1 and Robert I cannot pass by without saying anything.
Yesterday I read an interview with Jakub Gerber who was a pilot of Robert on Sunday's rally. His story about the accident has thrilled me a lot. Jakub said that when their car hit the crash barrier which as a result stuck through the centre of the car injuring Robert, he tried to remain calm, but when he saw that Kubica is unusually silent it frightened him a lot, and when he saw the blood spilling out of Robert's body he thought about the worst scenerio.
The driver was calm, but felt a lot of pain because of his injured leg, arm and hand. He asked about water. Gerber got out from the car through the front window in order to get some help. While an ambulance and firefighters were en route to the crash site, Robert was bleeding out. He spent about 90 minutes in the wreck of the car before he was freed and transported to the hospital.
A lot of people after hearing the news was thinking about his injured hand and whether he is able to go back to racing in the future, but the case was that after losing almost 5 litres of blood and serious internal hemorrhage the doctors were fighting for Robert's life first. Event Kubica wasn't fully aware of what had happened to him during the accident.
Now everything semm to go in the right direction. Recovery of our only countryman in F1 goes well, and everything looks like the next season Robert will return to racing.
Here we go
2011-02-09 @ 12:46:54
Ok, so let me start from the beginning. I have decided to start this blog because there really not many chances in my life to practice my english. Every now and again I have a conversation in this language but it is definitely too seldom.
Well, I hope there are people who will like to listen to what I have to say. Next time I will write a little bit about myself.
Best regards
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