Hay :]
2008-04-03 @ 16:31:34
I am Lena and will be it keep blog.Not have I in school english, so, I am not very good.But I help dictionary :D:D.It important that you understand me.There will be diary my and about I.O.K.I date from poland and I live in small village.I like english but I will have him in 1 class of high school only but I am in 6 class rally year else. Hmmm.... I begin it about my today (the present). I was in school on 8 early < morning >. Then, < sweat > there was boring a bit because girls have gone from class on recording from television all almost < law (as of right) >. So, I become (stay) with (from) only Marta because they have gone except it only that like most.I do not know that further write but as yet, I made curious nothing as I rally natchnie. O.K. Bye bye