Matura exam in English...:D
2009-11-26 @ 14:41:58
Today I wrote matura exam in English. I'm don't say that it was a very difficult, but I make a few horrible mistakes. One's of the questions was writting the formal letter about summer job as redactor newspapper, but I I didn,t read all question and I wrote about looking for job as babysitter. Fortunately, I spot my mistake at good time:D I must correct all my letter. Reading was easy. Especially I read wtih preoccupation text about play hide and seek:D My problem is lisening. I even don't listened first tapescript, because cassette recorder terrible crumched, but generally I'm so glad:D
I feel like a butterfly :D
2009-11-21 @ 13:05:51
I have a ball before matura exam for two months, and I had not a partner by this time. Yesterday I ask my good friend: "Would you want to go with me at the ball"? I thought"Oh MY God, what he'll think about me, certaonly he disagree to go... But,when he told me that he want go with me so much I was glad like the happiest human at the all world xD Rarely ever lack me words to go on the conversation, but then I did not be able to say anything. It must looked funny. In spite of all I'm so lucky, lucky xD
2009-11-13 @ 12:46:28
  It's my favourie film. I like it so much :D It's great. Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are fantastic actors. Without them this film won't be the same:)
2009-10-31 @ 09:33:51
I still listen english BBC radio and I'm surprised that I understand some of them informations:) I need listen something in English cause it let's me to remember new vocabularies and phrases. It's great experience. I'm glad when I understand even one sentence xD In learning help me also lisening English's songs. I prick up my ears and I try write lyric and I check my tekst with oryginal. I get to know new words and my education's going on:)
Broken heart <3
2009-10-30 @ 18:06:29
;(((  When I was walking through the town I met my ex-boyfriend. I still love him, but I know that we can't be together. It will be easier if I forget about him. Sometimes we don't have any control of our life. Despite of I try be master of oneself I'm not able to forget and imitate that nothing never join us. It's impossible but I have too much memories...
The polish' leson xD
2009-10-23 @ 19:26:19
I hate my polish lesons... OMG!!! Why always I have a torruble only polish leson? Every time when I try be serious and hear carefully I must get it in the neck that I talk non stop... and in effect I get a bad mark when my teacher ask me about current lesson. Ech... On the other hand I'm also no angel. For 2 months I haven't been doing my homework. So far is so good. I have only three 1 mark, that's not worse xD
2009-10-17 @ 17:01:15
Most of my free time I spend to work exercises from physics. Generally, I learn for matura exam. It seems boring, but a like it. I'm greatly successful when I make good work. Plenty of my friends think that physics is hard, but not I :D All rules we see in everyday's life. Everything we can explain in situations which we often meet. I'm fascinated about physics.
Sick!!! Oh my God!
2009-10-10 @ 09:52:26
I feel so bad. I'm cold and I have a flu. It's horrible... I want to get well, because I even can't meet my Sweethart that don't infect him;( What can be worse? Oh... I miss you so much;***
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